Principal's Welcome Message
Dear Parents/Guardians,
It is my pleasure and privilege to be addressing you as the new Principal of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Elementary School.
As a Catholic school, our mission is to maintain a positive, safe and caring environment where each person feels a sense of belonging and that they are valued for their contributions to our school community. We will celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of each student, which in turn recognizes the philosophy of “Each Belongs”.
The prophet Micah calls Christ’s children to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with God. It is in this spirit that the staff will accompany all students to realize the fullness of humanity of which our Lord Jesus Chris is the model. Anchored in the strong home-school-parish link, OLMC is a school dedicated to nurturing the spiritual, social, emotional, physical and cognitive development of all students. Empathy, kindness, self-regulation and well-being are the core of everything that we do.
On behalf of the tremendous staff at OLMC, we look forward to working with the students, parents, families, parish and community partners in building upon the school’s great successes from previous years. Our Catholic faith will be at the forefront of all we do. We are looking forward to continuing our positive relationship with our pastoral team and work together to plan Masses, sacramental programs and classroom visits.
Yours in Catholic Education,
Mrs. Katie Sheahan Lenarduzzi