Catholic School Council 2023-2024
We are grateful for our parents who have served Our Lady of Mount Carmel CES on the Catholic School Council over the years. Congratulations to our 2023-2024 Catholic School Council. Thank you for your time and dedication to work in partnership with Our Lady of Mount Carmel school and community.
Heather Quesnel: Chair
Robin Spencer: Co-Chair
Leanna Duncan – Gray: Treasurer
Anne Simpson: Secretary
Milena DeGroot: Councillor
Judeen Ferguson: Councillor
Melanie Ribeiro: Councillor
Natalie Pegg: Councillor
Ashlee Hibbert: Councillor
Olimpia Panella: Councillor
Mrs. Treener: Teacher Representative
Principal: Ms. J. Zuppa
Once the minutes of our meetings have been approved by the Catholic School Council they will be posted here.
God Bless,
Mrs. J. Zuppa, Principal
OLMC CSC Meeting Thursday September 14 2023 (1) (2).pdf
CSC Meeting Minutes November 9 2023.pdf
CSC Meeting Minutes January 17 2024.pdf
April 8th 2024 - OLMC CSC Meeting Minutes.pdf
CSC Meeting Minutes Monday May 13th.pdf